Trust and Handling 2 - Collar Handling

As collar handling progresses, Di demonstrates the use of Collar Sensitivity, where the dog understands to move calmly at the signal of gentle pressure on the collar. This is essential for loose lead walking and can transform the daily walk from a chore to a joy. Many animals, including dogs, have a survival instinct called the Opposition Reflex. It means that they are hard-wired to resist pressure and pull against it, and it’s essential for survival if they get trapped, allowing them to pull and wriggle until they free themselves. In order to build Collar Sensitivity we need to overcome this natural reflex and teach our dogs that, in the specific case of us putting pressure on the collar, they should not resist and pull against the pressure but rather move with the pressure. It’s a really powerful skill and one that will serve you well for the whole of your dog’s life. See more in the Trust and Handling Series.